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King of Song

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category Historicauthor YinSanWenstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3812596 Wordslatest update 2024-04-26
total hits 24Month hits 0Week hits 0
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King of SongBrief introduction:

Back in the Northern Song Dynasty, he originally wanted to become a slave and become a master, and become a rich boy in Jiangning City;
??Looking at the scenery on Purple Mountain, reciting poems and composing poems by the Xuanwu Lake, looking for flowers and willows by the Qinhuai River...
There is no way to avoid it, I am destined to live in a temple in this life!
Make Liaoning State, Zhan Xixia, Gu Society, and the world.
Look at me as the king of the Northern Song Dynasty, with beauty in my arms, and power over the world!

      Keywords:King of Song YinSanWen King of SongRead the full text King of SongTXT download

      King of Songlatest chapter:Volume 1: Residence in Jiangnan - Final Thoughts

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