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The best wife

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category Romanceauthor LiXingYustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3859457 Wordslatest update 2024-04-29
total hits 15Month hits 0Week hits 0
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The best wifeBrief introduction:

A fake diagnosis of brain cancer caused Wu Tian to hold the hand of a strange woman and get married before he could fall in love.
It is a tragedy to marry a strange woman as your wife.
It is even more tragic to marry a woman who has deceived the whole world.
“Honey, let’s get a divorce”
"In my dictionary, there is no divorce, only widowhood."
"Then kill me."
"No, I haven't had enough fun yet."
Having a wife like this is such a training...!
Li Xingyu is another urban masterpiece following the trilogy of "My Beautiful Boss", "My Beautiful Lady" and "My Beautiful Love Tribulation", so stay tuned...

      Keywords:The best wife LiXingYu The best wifeRead the full text The best wifeTXT download

      The best wifelatest chapter:Text Chapter 659 The Tight String

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