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Strong Qi

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category Historicauthor GengXinstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3915346 Wordslatest update 2024-04-29
total hits 13Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Strong QiBrief introduction:

I would like to travel thousands of miles across these thousands of miles of rivers and mountains with my unparalleled iron cavalry.
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? A warrior’s death on the battlefield, his body shrouded in horse leather, fortunately!
"In the name of my great uncle, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, even the mountain of swords and the sea of ??fire before me will be flattened by iron hoofs!"
I am Liu Chuang and this is my story!
The last part of the Three Kingdoms trilogy, "The Warriors", made its grand debut in 2013, allowing us to relive the boiling era when iron and blood were intertwined.

      Keywords:Strong Qi GengXin Strong QiRead the full text Strong QiTXT download

      Strong Qilatest chapter:Volume 1 Xuzhou Rebellion Chapter 20 Please think twice before acting (Part 2)

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