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Bloody Technology Co.  Ltd.

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category Sci-fiauthor CaiDiaoYeZhuiQiustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1356972 Wordslatest update 2024-04-26
total hits 16Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Bloody Technology Co.  Ltd.Brief introduction:

In an era when graduation meant unemployment, Sima Lang, who had poor grades, miraculously found a job.
However, when he took the employment notice and took the bus to the company to report, he discovered that this was not a software company.
This company is called Bloody Technology Co., Ltd., and it is located in the Bloody Software Park. The entire company is a huge tomb, and its work is to do one bloody task after another.  He keeps accumulating blood coins just so that after six years, when the contract expires, he can return to the real world and reunite with his family as he wishes!
··········Solemn reminder··········
When you receive the acceptance notice, don’t be too happy. Perhaps, this is an invitation from a bloody world, hehe...

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