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seven color beads

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category Romanceauthor YangLaoSanstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 7100773 Wordslatest update 2024-04-29
total hits 10Month hits 0Week hits 0
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seven color beadsBrief introduction:

Yang Ye Sheng, who possesses excellent cooking skills, is stuck in a small restaurant because of a top-notch proprietress.
Yang Ye Sheng, who possesses extraordinary martial arts skills, joined a big bar because of a top-notch proprietress.
Later, Yang Yesheng became his own boss, and more and more top-notch boss ladies appeared...

      Keywords:seven color beads YangLaoSan seven color beadsRead the full text seven color beadsTXT download

      seven color beadslatest chapter:Text Chapter 508 Already considered a big loli

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