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Emperor s Sword Seal

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category Comicsauthor WangLaoHeiXiastatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1563790 Wordslatest update 2024-04-19
total hits 30Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Emperor s Sword SealBrief introduction:

The death of online game studio giant Tian Wen has left his dependent younger brother Tian Le alone;
The murder scene is full of doubts!
With the electronic notes left by his brother, Tianle set foot in "Blood Sky Continent" as a newcomer and launched an action in the name of revenge.

      Keywords:Emperor s Sword Seal WangLaoHeiXia Emperor s Sword SealRead the full text Emperor s Sword SealTXT download

      Emperor s Sword Seallatest chapter:Text Chapter 440: Getting What You Want

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