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Forging Immortal

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category Fantasyauthor XinBingGangLaoQiangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 9910670 Wordslatest update 2024-04-18
total hits 16Month hits 0Week hits 0
Total referrals 0Month referrals 0Week referrals 0

Forging ImmortalBrief introduction:

The soul was lost in another world, and the person who should have disappeared into ashes was instead attracted by a strange heart and possessed a spirit body to embark on the path of Taoism.
Cut the peaks and mountains, split barriers, and the young people want to become immortal.
How should he seek enlightenment and find a unique path to repair the sky!
(My new book "The Demon Puppet" will be officially released on May 1st. New and old book friends are welcome to come and taste it. Old gun.)

      Keywords:Forging Immortal XinBingGangLaoQiang Forging ImmortalRead the full text Forging ImmortalTXT download

      Forging Immortallatest chapter:Volume One: Small Town Story Chapter 1753 Postscript

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