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Emperor Tianzun

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category Fantasyauthor HaiChenstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4973692 Wordslatest update 2024-04-18
total hits 19Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Emperor TianzunBrief introduction:

The power of heaven, the thunder punishment of nine days.  The power of the earth, the ultimate emperor!  In the colorful world of cultivation, only by attaining enlightenment can one be invincible, and only by immortality can one rule the world. However, the premise of all this is the awakening of one's own original power.  as

      Keywords:Emperor Tianzun HaiChen Emperor TianzunRead the full text Emperor TianzunTXT download

      Emperor Tianzunlatest chapter:Text Chapter 1008: Immortal Killing Talisman Emperor (Grand Finale)

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