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Xieyu Tianjiao

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category Fantasyauthor ChunQingXiLiGestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 24999184 Wordslatest update 2024-04-15
total hits 57Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Xieyu TianjiaoBrief introduction:

There are two kinds of women in the world, one is a charming lighter, and the other is a fire extinguisher who does not understand the charming.  Proving that you are alive is very simple, that is to keep your blood boiling forever, and this requires constant ignition.  As a competent man, he needs to have in-depth communication with those women who can ignite his blood, so that they can rise with him, learn culture, know the depth and depth of knowledge, and always keep their blood boiling!  ——Ye Chu’s quotations!  Use unique techniques to create a completely different fantasy world and bring everyone a different feeling.

      Keywords:Xieyu Tianjiao ChunQingXiLiGe Xieyu TianjiaoRead the full text Xieyu TianjiaoTXT download

      Xieyu Tianjiaolatest chapter:Chapter 7440 The final battle

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