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global debate

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category Comicsauthor GuaRenWeiHunstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2765402 Wordslatest update 2024-04-13
total hits 16Month hits 0Week hits 0
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global debateBrief introduction:

When the Eight-Power Allied Forces attack Beijing, will you fight to the death?
When the Wuchang Uprising breaks out, are you willing to fire the first shot?
Which one do you believe in: autocratic monarchy, constitutional monarchy, democracy and republic?
Jiang Baili, Cai E, Zhang Xiaohuai, who will become your chief of staff?
This is a brand new virtual online game with modern war as the background.
“Modern history is heavy, but games are relaxing and comfortable.

      Keywords:global debate GuaRenWeiHun global debateRead the full text global debateTXT download

      global debatelatest chapter:Text Chapter 577 Leaving (Finale)

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