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Fusion of the future

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category Romanceauthor DaiJianKanHuastatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 447397 Wordslatest update 2024-04-13
total hits 16Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Fusion of the futureBrief introduction:

??Fusing two kinds of objects that are impossible to hit with eight poles into a new species for my use.
An ordinary high school student who was looked down upon and ridiculed was mistakenly thought to have committed suicide and became the laughing stock of teachers and students. At the same time, he accidentally obtained a high-tech fusion device from the future, and began to lead a glittering and awesome life!
A water cup and a teapot can be fused into a giant sculpture that is 100 times heavier than the human body. A shawl and linen trousers can be fused into a lightning bolt that travels thousands of miles a day. A thin man and a fat man can be fused into a bold black whirlwind called Li Kui. The fusion of different types can create delicious food.  Merge with money into hail and thunderstorm, and merge with hair and tongue into wild beasts...
These new fused species can carry out various physical, psychological and emotional attacks under his control!

      Keywords:Fusion of the future DaiJianKanHua Fusion of the futureRead the full text Fusion of the futureTXT download

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