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official beauty

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category Romanceauthor XiLouYuestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 6337350 Wordslatest update 2024-04-13
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official beautyBrief introduction:

After the genius, beauties rule!
This is a story about the struggle of the second generation of officials. The officialdom and beauty in Xi Louyue's works——
"Growing up in struggle, ambiguity in growth, breaking out in ambiguity -
Gu Qiu’s official career is advancing triumphantly in the wind!
(Warm reminder: In the new book issue, the most important thing is recommendation votes and collections. If you like this book, please lightly click "Add to Bookshelf" under the cover)
【Seriously recommended, the complete masterpiece of more than 7.5 million words, "The Prodigy of the Official Way"】

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      official beautylatest chapter:Text Chapter 1096 Celebrate (please give me flowers)

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