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Crystal Palace of Heaven

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category Comicsauthor LiuXieDeXingChenastatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 9688458 Wordslatest update 2024-04-13
total hits 17Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Crystal Palace of HeavenBrief introduction:

The world has two sides in my eyes.
The first side leads to the road of glory.  There, I am the defender of order, the hero who saves the world, the leader of the Dawn Alliance, the leader of the Dragon Knights, the chief magister of the Knowledge Alliance, the federal marshal, the prince of two empires, and the ultimate villain in the eyes of the Death Group...
The other side leads to the spiritual path.  Since there are no computer or online game consoles in this world for me to stay at home, I can only play Crystal Palace and save the world while playing real-life RPG to relieve my boredom.
Introduction to the mouth version:
This is the story of a pretender who thinks she is a technical nerd, but is actually a dead nerd, and shamelessly drives the Crystal Palace to save the world in a digitalized world.
This is a story about a very loving otaku who screams for love in the center of a world without love.

      Keywords:Crystal Palace of Heaven LiuXieDeXingChena Crystal Palace of HeavenRead the full text Crystal Palace of HeavenTXT download

      Crystal Palace of Heavenlatest chapter:Volume 2: Holy Spring Dynasty Chapter 717: Encounter in the underground city is actually very intere

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