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Rebirth of gold everywhere

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category Romanceauthor SiYanFei02status serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3005889 Wordslatest update 2024-04-13
total hits 17Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Rebirth of gold everywhereBrief introduction:

After rebirth, if you still follow the original track of life and live a mediocre life, then what is the meaning of rebirth?
After being reborn, if you don’t make a vigorous career, then why bother to be reborn?
??Fifteen years of foresight than ordinary people, and familiar with the ups and downs of the next fifteen years, is like holding a golden finger that turns stone into gold. How can Hao Jianping's life be ordinary again?
In his eyes, the world suddenly became beautiful;
In his eyes, this world is simply filled with gold;
All he needs to do is to bend down, take the wealth that did not belong to him in the previous life, but belongs to him in this life with peace of mind, and then use this wealth to create a dazzling world that belongs to him in this life.  That's all.

      Keywords:Rebirth of gold everywhere SiYanFei02 Rebirth of gold everywhereRead the full text Rebirth of gold everywhereTXT download

      Rebirth of gold everywherelatest chapter:Text Chapter 158 The Chip of Happiness

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