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Grand Knight

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category Fantasyauthor DiTuSistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1569513 Wordslatest update 2024-04-10
total hits 17Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Grand KnightBrief introduction:

Whether Roland admits it or not, the eight knightly virtues of compassion, honor, sacrifice, humility, spirit, bravery, justice, and honesty have been with him throughout his life.
Even his title of Grand Knight is not only to demonstrate his powerful force and lofty status, but also to commend his chivalry.
"Knights are born to protect!" - Grand Knight Roland Feng.

      Keywords:Grand Knight DiTuSi Grand KnightRead the full text Grand KnightTXT download

      Grand Knightlatest chapter:Part One: Protecting the Family Chapter 160: The Flower of Thorns Never Dies (Finale)

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