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Soul Storm

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category Fantasyauthor DouGuistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1601067 Wordslatest update 2024-04-10
total hits 19Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Soul StormBrief introduction:

??In 2046 AD, a dirty era ended, and the earth ushered in a 500-year-long post-ice age. The ice and severe cold wiped out most living creatures, and humans lingered on like mice.  An ancient memory is reborn with the end of the nightmare, but it has to face a cruel world that is completely alien to the memory!  Is this series of coincidences a trick of fate or a conspiracy of fate?  [Please collect this book and ask for black votes]
Is he a loser or a strong man?  Is technology first or soul first?
It’s all in Soul Storm!  [Note: This book is suitable for those who control sisters!  Bestiality!  Lolicon!  】

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      Soul Stormlatest chapter:Text Chapter 149 The Lord of the Universe (Final Finale and Final Thoughts!)

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