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Giant Insect Corpse Witch

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category Fantasyauthor ZhuShangZhuZhustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3719396 Wordslatest update 2024-04-10
total hits 15Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Giant Insect Corpse WitchBrief introduction:

A Miao boy who was raised by a harsh father suddenly became a "first wizard" on the day he became an orphan and gained the power to control giant insects. Later, he accidentally found his mother who was far away in a foreign country. From a small mountain village, he jumped into  In the metropolis of the world, the young man who has mastered the inheritance of the ancient gods and monsters from the ancient country, and the superheroes, politicians and ordinary people of the Western civilization countries have staged scenes of ridiculous and fascinating legendary stories...
?Special note: The type of this book is a fantasy work from a different world and has no connection with the real world. Any similarity is purely coincidental. Scholars and experts do not need to delve into this matter. Thank you.

      Keywords:Giant Insect Corpse Witch ZhuShangZhuZhu Giant Insect Corpse WitchRead the full text Giant Insect Corpse WitchTXT download

      Giant Insect Corpse Witchlatest chapter:Text Final Chapter The Unstoppable Footsteps

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