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Martial Arts World Traveler

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category Comicsauthor BaoChaoLuDoustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 357246 Wordslatest update 2024-04-10
total hits 10Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Martial Arts World TravelerBrief introduction:

?The story of an ordinary loser who picked up a martial arts world traveler and then traveled around the martial arts world.
Let’s see how he learns various top martial arts and changes the fate of the characters in the martial arts world.
“Why is it that even a guarded place with peerless magic can’t even fly in!!!”
"Master, there is a magical martial arts book that is easy to find and can be practiced very quickly!"
"Where?" Surprise.
"Fuzhou Xiangyang Lane."
"Go to hell!" Extremely angry.
Half a year later, Zhao Boduan sneaked into Xiangyang Lane and climbed onto the roof beam...
"The first thing that needs to be corrected is Swordsman, The Undefeated of the East (latest version)! I'm here."

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