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super dandy master

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category Comicsauthor GongYanMengstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 82981 Wordslatest update 2024-04-08
total hits 9Month hits 0Week hits 0
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super dandy masterBrief introduction:

"One day in the world, always a life in the world."
On a sad thunderstorm night, Cang Haiyang, who had just graduated, found that he had entered a martial arts game that had just been released for public beta, and he could bring some of the items in the game into reality.
When the inner strength in the martial arts story appeared in his body, Cang Haiyang discovered that the world was not as simple as he imagined.
Under the bustling urban life, there are also rivers and lakes.

      Keywords:super dandy master GongYanMeng super dandy masterRead the full text super dandy masterTXT download

      super dandy masterlatest chapter:Volume 1 The thesis defense was held this afternoon and I almost went crazy.

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