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Invincible Call from Another World

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category Comicsauthor SanGeMaJiastatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 55526 Wordslatest update 2024-04-08
total hits 11Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Invincible Call from Another WorldBrief introduction:

The summoning technique has also mutated?
An uncontrollable summons?
Others summon natural allies, why do I summon dark creatures?
"However, these darkness are really strong!
The rot-blooded black bear with its own halo, the nemesis of all spell professionals, the spell-breaking crow...
Wait, why is there still Natsu?  Fire Dragon Slayer Mage!

      Keywords:Invincible Call from Another World SanGeMaJia Invincible Call from Another WorldRead the full text Invincible Call from Another WorldTXT download

      Invincible Call from Another Worldlatest chapter:Volume 1 The Bloody Monastery 17 Battle

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