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category Fantasyauthor ZhuJiuLunGaFeistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 662703 Wordslatest update 2024-04-08
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TianlongbaxueBrief introduction:

Those top experts are still dreaming of becoming gods, while I am like an ant, but the blood of gods is already flowing in my body.
This blood is impulsive, violent, and extremely domineering...
If you can’t kill me at once, you will be the ones who die.
A martial arts world where Qi and blood skills are practiced, the color of the warrior's blood will change as the strength increases.
Power system hierarchy: red-blooded warrior, orange-blooded general, yellow-blooded Martial Lord, green-blooded Martial King, green-blooded Martial Emperor, blue-blooded Martial Ancestor, purple-blooded Martial Lord, bronze-blooded Martial Saint, gold-blooded Martial God.

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