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Unparalleled weapon

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category Fantasyauthor FengMangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 975954 Wordslatest update 2024-04-09
total hits 21Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Unparalleled weaponBrief introduction:

[PS: Students who are confused when they see the title of the book should face the wall!  ] Do good deeds and do bad things ~ He will make himself a gorgeous legend of a human stick! ? ? ? ? ****** ? ?The following is Xiaobai’s introduction: ? ? ? ? ? ? Him!  Not Behemoth, nor a giant dragon, but he has a powerful physique that surpasses them!  He has neither fighting spirit nor magic, but he can unleash the potential of human body to an outrageous intensity!  Alone!  He does not have a divine weapon, but he has developed his brain to the extreme and possesses a more powerful original weapon! ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Beinging the body-based, based on my body, is still inferior to the powerful tools I have to develop my life potential, to create a myth that belongs to mankind!  Tian Xingjian, the gentleman continued to improve.

      Keywords:Unparalleled weapon FengMang Unparalleled weaponRead the full text Unparalleled weaponTXT download

      Unparalleled weaponlatest chapter:Text Chapter 206 The remaining mark of the God of War

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