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Controlling beasts and cultivating immortals

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category Fantasyauthor MoMostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1499949 Wordslatest update 2024-04-07
total hits 13Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Controlling beasts and cultivating immortalsBrief introduction:

Being inexplicably summoned to another world, Qin Jian had to deceive the Dark Elf Tribe that he was the so-called Messenger of the Moon God in order to survive.  But he didn't expect that his luck would be so good. After his identity as the messenger of the Moon God was established, he even gained the favor of the Orc God of War.
These are all trivial matters. What surprised Qin Jian the most was that he could conquer demon pets without any restrictions. After more than a year of training, Qin Jian was helpless to discover that his identity was actually a... demon!
The tough and iron-blooded protagonist will set off a bloody storm in order to achieve his own goals.

      Keywords:Controlling beasts and cultivating immortals MoMo Controlling beasts and cultivating immortalsRead the full text Controlling beasts and cultivating immortalsTXT download

      Controlling beasts and cultivating immortalslatest chapter:Chapter 303 The Dragon Among Men (Finale)

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