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Wanxiang Zhenjing

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category Fantasyauthor TaoZiMaiMeiLestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1307196 Wordslatest update 2024-04-06
total hits 13Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Wanxiang ZhenjingBrief introduction:

He was a cripple who knew how to tolerate and numb the world at the age of nine.
He is a mainland legend who wielded a black whip at the age of nineteen and whipped two immortals to death.
He is a young hero of flesh and blood who has never abandoned his humanity.
In a continent where divine power is greater than imperial power, he wants to trample on the light and subvert the common people!
This story is purely fictitious, produced by Taozi, it must be a high-quality product, it has been signed, feel free to collect it, please recommend it.
Thanks to Elf MM for providing the starting point readership: 96734583

      Keywords:Wanxiang Zhenjing TaoZiMaiMeiLe Wanxiang ZhenjingRead the full text Wanxiang ZhenjingTXT download

      Wanxiang Zhenjinglatest chapter:Text Chapter 258: Final Chapter, Inheritance of Everything

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