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police route

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category Romanceauthor ErYueErShiBaRistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2130174 Wordslatest update 2024-04-06
total hits 32Month hits 0Week hits 0
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police routeBrief introduction:

Niu Bing is an orphan. By chance, he became a criminal policeman. His strong strength, tough style, and tenacity allowed him to dominate the police world and make criminals frightened. However, the same personality made his career as an official difficult.  Every step of the way, he stuck to his true intention, was unyielding and unyielding, overcame thorns and thorns all the way, and moved forward with difficulty...
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      Keywords:police route ErYueErShiBaRi police routeRead the full text police routeTXT download

      police routelatest chapter:Volume 2: Captain of the Serious Cases Final Speech

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