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genius police

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category Romanceauthor JiuChengstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1756931 Wordslatest update 2024-04-09
total hits 21Month hits 0Week hits 0
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genius policeBrief introduction:

The future genius criminal is reborn as a young policeman.
I am justice, I am order, and I am the law. Anyone who goes against me is breaking the law.
Romon wanders between justice and evil. There is no case he can't solve and no criminal he can't catch.
He is a genius policeman, a genius criminal, and a genius scientist.
He is like a poppy that fascinates girls and makes evil tremble. He is a genius policeman who can despise Sherlock Holmes and shock the whole world.  He is omnipotent….
【Completed "Genius Scientist" and "Almighty Grandmaster"】

      Keywords:genius police JiuCheng genius policeRead the full text genius policeTXT download

      genius policelatest chapter:Text Chapter [289] Whatever you want to do, I will accompany you

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