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category Fantasyauthor LiuXiaHuistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3619603 Wordslatest update 2024-04-09
total hits 20Month hits 0Week hits 0
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close bodyguardBrief introduction:

The mysterious boy Ye Qiu came to the prosperous city, became the personal bodyguard of a wealthy daughter, and moved into the legendary beauty's apartment.  Ye Qiu, who does not have the necessary skills to pretend to be charming, is often despised and made things difficult by beauties. However, at the same time, after one incident after another, several beauties secretly admire Ye Qiufang.  Ye Qiu knew that his identity was special, but he was still exposed.  But Ye Qiu's mysterious identity triggered a shocking earthquake. In the end, who lives and who dies depends on God's will.  "

      Keywords:close bodyguard LiuXiaHui close bodyguardRead the full text close bodyguardTXT download

      close bodyguardlatest chapter:Volume 3: Stand up straight and be a human being Chapter 430: Fierce battle on the beach!  2vs2!

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