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Royal system

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category Historicauthor XiaoSuYoustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 731382 Wordslatest update 2024-04-06
total hits 21Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Royal systemBrief introduction:

An otaku who dreams of having a harem travels back in time and becomes Yang Guang, an emperor who has had mixed reputations throughout the ages.
He only knows a little about history, but he knows nothing about military, internal affairs, or diplomacy, but it doesn't matter, he has a system.
Winning over the Li family and killing the Yuwen family are all being done slowly with the help of the system.
He often said to people: "Eat meat and drink soup with your friends, and let your enemies die without leaving any residue."

      Keywords:Royal system XiaoSuYou Royal systemRead the full text Royal systemTXT download

      Royal systemlatest chapter:Text: Temple Escape

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