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genius button

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category Romanceauthor DouShiBaiDingstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1682622 Wordslatest update 2024-04-09
total hits 507Month hits 0Week hits 0
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genius buttonBrief introduction:

The little guy Li Tianle accidentally obtained and merged with the super system "Genius Button".
Since then, he has followed the growth of the system and embarked on an extraordinary path to upgrade his abilities.
With the deepening of the "Genius Button" compatibility, he gradually changed from an ordinary person to a genius, and became a powerful person with special abilities.
"Li Tianle has an infinitely high IQ, extremely strong vitality and force, countless money and treasures, and is extremely popular with women. This is the inevitable development of Li Tianle's life.
Li Tianle shouted: "You're cheating, that's too mysterious? I have to activate the 'genius button' switch quickly and let it reveal it for me..."

      Keywords:genius button DouShiBaiDing genius buttonRead the full text genius buttonTXT download

      genius buttonlatest chapter:Text Chapter 264: Crazy

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