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Heavenly doctor and ghost

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category Romanceauthor TaKuDeXiangBingstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 494328 Wordslatest update 2024-04-06
total hits 392Month hits 1Week hits 0
Total referrals 0Month referrals 0Week referrals 0

Heavenly doctor and ghostBrief introduction:

The military world is cold and no one dares to offend the princess. She has a perverted childhood sweetheart who can rejuvenate herself and control life and death.
A genius-level girl in charge of the business world has a perverted childhood sweetheart who can despise the powerful and control people's hearts.
The elegant and mysterious daughter of the political world also has a childhood sweetheart called "pervert", oh, no, his name is Zhou You
Zhou You, the genius who plays tricks on the princes with beacon fire.
Whenever he deals with an enemy who wants to challenge his bottom line, Zhou You will always tell the opponent good news and bad news in a friendly manner.
The good news is: he's not good at making people die
The bad news is: he’s good at making life worse than death
Asking for support.  .  .

      Keywords:Heavenly doctor and ghost TaKuDeXiangBing Heavenly doctor and ghostRead the full text Heavenly doctor and ghostTXT download

      Heavenly doctor and ghostlatest chapter:Volume 1: Arrival in the Demonic City Chapter 112: Why not be the enemy of the world?

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