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category Comicsauthor LinHaiTingTaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 6599918 Wordslatest update 2024-04-09
total hits 13Month hits 0Week hits 0
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winner takes allBrief introduction:

My name is Chang Sheng, the Chang Sheng of the ever victorious generals, the Chang Sheng of the always victorious generals.
What I pursue is not interesting football, but football that can win. Victory makes my blood boil. Victory makes me find football interesting!
If you also hate being a loser, I think we must have something in common.
My name is Chang Sheng, and this is my story.
It is also a story about dreams.

      Keywords:winner takes all LinHaiTingTao winner takes allRead the full text winner takes allTXT download

      winner takes alllatest chapter:Volume Three: City of Courage and Strength Chapter 362: The Only Representative of Italian Football

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