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Rebirth of the business world

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category Fantasyauthor WenXinChongstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4408827 Wordslatest update 2024-04-05
total hits 12Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Rebirth of the business worldBrief introduction:

A wretched soul who was reborn as a man in his thirties in 1994 worked hard step by step to complete his plan to make a fortune. At the same time, he had ambiguous and complicated relationships with many beautiful mothers, daughters, lolita, and mature women.  With the pace of continuous advancement, Sony, Microsoft, Google, Apple, etc. are just stepping stones to the top!

      Keywords:Rebirth of the business world WenXinChong Rebirth of the business worldRead the full text Rebirth of the business worldTXT download

      Rebirth of the business worldlatest chapter:Part 2 Famous Worldwide Chapter 826 Finale

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