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Fu Po Jiutian

Fu Po Jiutian最新章节列表,Fu Po Jiutian全文阅读

category Fantasyauthor DangNianYeHunGuostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 575297 Wordslatest update 2024-04-05
total hits 11Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Fu Po JiutianBrief introduction:

A talisman in hand....
I own the world!
This is a story about a man who entered Taoism through a talisman, was framed by someone when he was going through a calamity, and in the end, his soul was still alive. He went to another world to practice and become an immortal again, and went to the immortal world for revenge!

      Keywords:Fu Po Jiutian DangNianYeHunGuo Fu Po JiutianRead the full text Fu Po JiutianTXT download

      Fu Po Jiutianlatest chapter:Volume 1: Grinding the Great Green Mountain Chapter 117: Demon Clan Deputy Envoy

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