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Kill the gods

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category Comicsauthor YiYeGuanChanstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 499520 Wordslatest update 2024-04-05
total hits 12Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Kill the godsBrief introduction:

This is the most glorious era, and the system of cultivators has reached an amazing level of perfection.  In this era, unparalleled geniuses with endless potential emerge one after another, and terrifying powerful men hidden in the world also appear one after another.
But it was also the darkest era. Monsters were raging, foreign lands were invading, and heroes came together to make the world fall apart, but it also created countless powerful legends.
As the only one in the game with the highest official title, Liu Chu came back through time with all the memories of the "Zhushen" game.  In this chaotic world that is about to collapse, step by step embark on the path of going against the will of heaven and dominate the future of this world.
If there are gods in the world, I will kill them; if there are no gods in the world, I will do it!

      Keywords:Kill the gods YiYeGuanChan Kill the godsRead the full text Kill the godsTXT download

      Kill the godslatest chapter:Volume 1 Gu Ye’s Prestige Chapter 148 You, damn it

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