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Evil Emperor Pavilion

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category Fantasyauthor MoGuostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 637950 Wordslatest update 2024-04-05
total hits 12Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Evil Emperor PavilionBrief introduction:

Thanks to her gift, no matter how healthy a woman is, she will turn into withered bones in seven days under him.
He squeezed her chin tightly and said, "Don't forget your identity. You are here to sleep with me." He endured the pain and took possession of her while grinning.
A poisonous needle pierced his body without any warning. She turned over and caressed his strong chest with her slender fingers. "You are the one who will take care of me tonight."
When he woke up, she had already fled. He clenched his fists and dug three feet into the ground to catch that damn woman and show her who slept with whom.

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