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we are brothers

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category Romanceauthor ChunYinErZhuistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 9053535 Wordslatest update 2024-04-09
total hits 14Month hits 0Week hits 0
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we are brothersBrief introduction:

Memories of the post-80s generation and the rise of the post-90s generation
Those brothers, in those years, time flies by and the world grows old.
When Wang Long took over the banner from Wang Yue, his restless youth was ignited with passion, and new bonds broke out to commemorate those glorious years.
Once upon a time we had nothing, but from now on we will definitely get ahead!
If there is still tomorrow
The brothers shouted together: We are brothers!

      Keywords:we are brothers ChunYinErZhui we are brothersRead the full text we are brothersTXT download

      we are brotherslatest chapter:We Are Brothers Chapter Table of Contents 【2721】It’s better to find a tyrant

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