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The Rise of China in the Rebirth of the Republic o

The Rise of China in the Rebirth of the Republic o最新章节列表,The Rise of China in the Rebirth of the Republic o全文阅读

category Historicauthor 574981status serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4120911 Wordslatest update 2024-04-05
total hits 13Month hits 0Week hits 0
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The Rise of China in the Rebirth of the Republic oBrief introduction:

Rebirth of the Republic of China...
In the Northern Expedition, a lone army showed its power in a sneak attack;
March into Jinan, kill the Japanese invaders and revitalize China;
China’s first modern army;
China’s first modern navy;
China’s first modern air force;
??Unify the country, land in Japan, regain lost territory, and expand abroad;
??Avoid the shame of the Eight-Nation Alliance and let the Chinese nation forever stand on top of the world....

      Keywords:The Rise of China in the Rebirth of the Republic o 574981 The Rise of China in the Rebirth of the Republic oRead the full text The Rise of China in the Rebirth of the Republic oTXT download

      The Rise of China in the Rebirth of the Republic olatest chapter:The Rise of China in the Rebirth of the Republic of China 5200 Volume 2 578 Successor

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