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There s a monster in my body

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category Fantasyauthor ZuiXiaoSestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1111829 Wordslatest update 2024-04-05
total hits 16Month hits 1Week hits 0
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There s a monster in my bodyBrief introduction:

In 2112, global warming caused the ice and snow to melt, and a tree seed buried deep in the Permian coal seam of Antarctica took root and sprouted!
The golden sapling grows hundreds of meters in a day, takes root in the core of the earth's mantle, and spreads its branches and leaves all over the sky. Human beings are unable to damage the tree.
In the year 2113, the golden sacred tree bloomed with thousands of flowers in the morning and bore white fruits in the evening...
In 2117, humans set foot in the starry sky with the help of monsters parasitized from tree fruits, the Galactic Federation was established, and the first year of the Starry Sky Calendar.
In the year 70837 of the Starry Sky Calendar, human beings have spread their footprints across hundreds of thousands of galaxies, and are constantly at war with the intelligent races in the universe.
Fang Wei got a strange white tree fruit in the black market of Liberty Star, which parasitized two young dragons!

      Keywords:There s a monster in my body ZuiXiaoSe There s a monster in my bodyRead the full text There s a monster in my bodyTXT download

      There s a monster in my bodylatest chapter:Volume 3 Home Planet Earth Chapter 208 Ending

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