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absolute power

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category Romanceauthor BuXinTianShangDiaoXianBingstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4413920 Wordslatest update 2024-04-04
total hits 17Month hits 0Week hits 0
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absolute powerBrief introduction:

??The king lives in the country!
This is a turbulent era, an era destined to create heroes.
Who says there are no heroes in officialdom?  Who says there are no heroes in officialdom?
A man with heroic blood flowing in his bones is destined to cause a storm in the officialdom that values ??harmony.
Be a high-profile person, be a high-profile official!
If he suddenly becomes low-key, please don’t doubt that he is preparing to eat a tiger.
Please look for the pie label - passionate officialdom!  Passionate!
Give me a click and I’ll give you a legend!

      Keywords:absolute power BuXinTianShangDiaoXianBing absolute powerRead the full text absolute powerTXT download

      absolute powerlatest chapter:Text: Remarks on the completion of this book and arrangements for the new book!

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