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Unexpected upgrade

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category Fantasyauthor YeBaiCaistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1551129 Wordslatest update 2024-04-04
total hits 16Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Unexpected upgradeBrief introduction:

The heaven-defying upgrader, upgrade like crazy!
Meridian defects?  It's okay, I have an upgrade device, I can upgrade it to as many levels as I want!
"The quality of ginseng is too low. It doesn't matter. Is it enough for me to upgrade you to a thousand years?"  not enough!  Okay, then it will rise into thousands of years!
Want an immortal weapon?  Okay, give me a kitchen knife, and I will upgrade the artifact for you!
     What?  Mao Mao Mi, do you want to taste the taste of Suzaku Phoenix?  Okay, the master will upgrade you to a mythical beast first!
After Baicai’s “Plug-in Invincible”, the incredible “upgrader” is here again!

      Keywords:Unexpected upgrade YeBaiCai Unexpected upgradeRead the full text Unexpected upgradeTXT download

      Unexpected upgradelatest chapter:Text Chapter 375 Game Creator (Complete)

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