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Unique martial arts

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category Fantasyauthor YeFengVaDoustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 112430 Wordslatest update 2024-04-03
total hits 15Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Unique martial artsBrief introduction:

This is the beginning of an era for warriors.
The wild beasts turned into monsters and began to kill humans crazily.  In order to resist, humans and monsters fought a war.  In this process, humans are clearly at a disadvantage.
Later, with the emergence of batches of warriors, the situation began to improve.
A young man from an ordinary family joins the ranks of martial artists. Can he become famous throughout the ages and be the only one to master martial arts?
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      Keywords:Unique martial arts YeFengVaDou Unique martial artsRead the full text Unique martial artsTXT download

      Unique martial artslatest chapter:Volume 2 The Northern Marquis Chapter 29 The Golden Sphere

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