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industrial power empire

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category Romanceauthor 滿LouGongXiuQiaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4632387 Wordslatest update 2024-04-01
total hits 24Month hits 0Week hits 0
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industrial power empireBrief introduction:

Speeding trains, tall derricks, roaring fighter planes, huge ships cutting through the waves...
The meaning of our existence is to let the blood of industry run freely in the steel monster!!!
The founder of the industrial heart of the Republic: Liang Yuan
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We have only one competitor on this planet, and that is General Electric in the United States.  After joining the company, don't mention things like Sony and Samsung. They are just places that produce adult toys.  ——2007 Group Planning Department New Employee Training Newsletter
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??Attention, tough guys, this is not a hard industrial novel without a heroine. There are both industries and girls in the book^_^

      Keywords:industrial power empire 滿LouGongXiuQiao industrial power empireRead the full text industrial power empireTXT download

      industrial power empirelatest chapter:Text Chapter 280 Inspection (Part 1)

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