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Summon the magic weapon

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category Fantasyauthor XiaRiYiLengstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5994957 Wordslatest update 2024-03-31
total hits 26Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Summon the magic weaponBrief introduction:

"Magical weapons are nothing, I can summon a few at will."
If you bully my relatives, the divine soldiers will kill you; if you flirt with my woman, the divine soldiers will kill you; if you insult my comrades in arms.  Divine soldiers blasted and killed...
Wu Ya came to this magical continent with his incredible summoning ability. Of course, at the beginning, he was just an inconspicuous and weak-looking city guard who would poke his fingers to get benefits!

      Keywords:Summon the magic weapon XiaRiYiLeng Summon the magic weaponRead the full text Summon the magic weaponTXT download

      Summon the magic weaponlatest chapter:Volume 1: Beidou Chronicles [Chapter 1280: From now on, there will be no world in the world] (Comple

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