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almighty idler

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category Romanceauthor GuangAnZhiXinstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4304429 Wordslatest update 2024-04-08
total hits 33Month hits 1Week hits 0
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almighty idlerBrief introduction:

The new book "I am the number one diligent person" has been released. It is a food article, delicious and delicious.
I am omnipotent, but I don’t have the great ambition and integrity to change the world and save mankind. I just want to steal half a day’s leisure and enjoy all the happiness in the world...
This is a state, a philosophy of life, and a profound knowledge... Classmates, please slowly understand it.
Zhou Yi, a good student who was once a diligent model in people's eyes, suddenly had an all-powerful idler system and became all-powerful. He gained the absolute right to live leisurely and enjoy life.
Well, in front of the almighty Zhou Yi, it’s not even a dream...
The new book "Sunshine Qin" has been uploaded, click the direct link below.

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