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nuclear emperor

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category Historicauthor LangZiDaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3632481 Wordslatest update 2024-03-31
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nuclear emperorBrief introduction:

"The 20th century belongs to Asia, the 21st century also belongs to Asia, and Asia belongs to China. This has been the case for the past two thousand years, and it will remain so for the next two thousand years."
“If we want to rebuild the order in Asia and recreate the glory of the entire Asian civilization, China must have an emperor, and this emperor can only be me.”
This is the basic idea of ??"Nuclear Emperor" Song Biao in governing the country. He is not only the emperor of China, but also destined to be the emperor of Asia.
He not only wants to promote the rejuvenation of China, but also rebuilds the order of the entire Asian civilization and promotes the great rise of Asia. He is the cornerstone of Asia's new classical civilization system in the twentieth century.

      Keywords:nuclear emperor LangZiDao nuclear emperorRead the full text nuclear emperorTXT download

      nuclear emperorlatest chapter:Part One Russo-Japanese War Chapter 353 The Emperor of Asia (Finale)

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