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Reborn appraiser

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category Romanceauthor MuShistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1679096 Wordslatest update 2024-04-08
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Reborn appraiserBrief introduction:

Liu Yang, who has a spirit of masculinity, died together with six habitual thieves. When he entered the underworld, he had a chance to be reborn, but he was accidentally reborn in the wrong fetus. He was reborn a thousand years later and possessed a man who was expelled by his wife.  For a man who has left home, where should he go? If he has revenge, if he has grievances, how can he realize his otaku-like dream of marrying a wife and having a baby...

      Keywords:Reborn appraiser MuShi Reborn appraiserRead the full text Reborn appraiserTXT download

      Reborn appraiserlatest chapter:Text Chapter 0039 The Appraiser Competition Begins

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