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Official genius

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category Romanceauthor XiLouYuestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 11338012 Wordslatest update 2024-04-08
total hits 34Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Official geniusBrief introduction:

There are endless ups and downs in life, and endless romances in officialdom.
Zhang Yifan, a genius of a generation, gave up his prominent family background and came to Yiye Town alone, becoming the youngest mayor in history.  Fighting corrupt officials, quelling the underworld, improving security, and seeking development, it all depends on how he rose from a small town mayor to the top of the world.

      Keywords:Official genius XiLouYue Official geniusRead the full text Official geniusTXT download

      Official geniuslatest chapter:The Long Official Road Chapter 1270 Jianghuai Storm

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