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Rebirth of an entertainment powerhouse

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category Romanceauthor GongSeShiYue3status serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 933746 Wordslatest update 2024-03-29
total hits 25Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Rebirth of an entertainment powerhouseBrief introduction:

Wang Huan laughed when people said that Japan is the country of animation. When the United States said that it is the kingdom of movies, Wang Huan laughed again. When Bangzi said that their entertainment industry is number one in the world, the whole world laughed.  “Everything related to entertainment in this world is under my control!” Wang Huan said confidently.

      Keywords:Rebirth of an entertainment powerhouse GongSeShiYue3 Rebirth of an entertainment powerhouseRead the full text Rebirth of an entertainment powerhouseTXT download

      Rebirth of an entertainment powerhouselatest chapter:Text Chapter 90 The World’s No. 1 Virtual Online Game War Mission

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