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category Fantasyauthor YeGuangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 7867027 Wordslatest update 2024-04-08
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WuxianBrief introduction:

The world is so vast that no one can understand it. All kinds of strange things happen in the world, and countless myths and legends are spread endlessly.  The world believes that there are countless ghosts under the Nine Netherworld.
Up above is the residence of immortals and gods.
So, do the illusory immortality and the legendary gods really exist?
How has the way of cultivating immortality been changed?  What will the pattern of the spiritual practice world look like?
Next, let us witness the miraculous moment together...

      Keywords:Wuxian YeGuang WuxianRead the full text WuxianTXT download

      Wuxianlatest chapter:Volume 2: Yunji Canghai Chapter 1,463: Clearly Boring

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