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officialdom prophet

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category Romanceauthor FangPian2status serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4435707 Wordslatest update 2024-04-08
total hits 22Month hits 0Week hits 0
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officialdom prophetBrief introduction:

A mysterious jade pendant gave Chen Ping, who had just been admitted to the civil service, the ability to sense the future of others.
??Official struggle?
I never give a shit and let others fight to the death. I just stand in line and join the winner's team.
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????—I Just Need to Find the Future Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and fish for the big fish in the long run.
Group number: 126094629, a group created by Xiao Fang Pian. Friends who like it can add it.

      Keywords:officialdom prophet FangPian2 officialdom prophetRead the full text officialdom prophetTXT download

      officialdom prophetlatest chapter:Text Chapter 44 Liu Jianghai targets

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